
Gain Market Share, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

Archibald London - a luxury retailer that understands WHAT it really takes to reach Customer Excellence.

Customers strip-down luxury brands every day to highlight friction-points and lost growth. Very few luxury brands strive for 100% transparency since they fear they have everything to lose. Archibald London stands apart because they believe it is every bit as necessary when there’s so much on the line. This is Customer Excellence.

“The art of brand excellence consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.”

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Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

A Brand's Survival in One Lesson

Henry Hazlitt’s book “Economics in One Lesson” holds the key to any designer lifestyle brands survival and success.

Applied reveals the paradox of retail success. One brand beat a policy to double it's operating (production/transportation) efficiency metric (+10%). Tracing the unintended consequence showed a €874 million loss in group retail sales (-3% YoY). From a successful policy.

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