Business Battle Royale | Ditch the Playbook, Unearth Riches!

The business world has been a colosseum for over 10,000 years! Trading. Buying and selling? It's been there, done that since the barter days. Scholars and "playbookers" have been circling each other for millennia, each with their fancy battle plans. It's all about one-upmanship, right? Almost, a game of mine's better than yours!

Here's the rub: everyone's following the same dusty scrolls. These tired tactics might get you a participation trophy, an award, or a top-10 position in some "fabulous" publication. But where's the excitement, the explosive growth you promised your investors? Remember Spencer Johnson's book Who Moved My Cheese? In business, the cheese never moved—you just stopped looking for it.

Every company should be a profit powerhouse, a finely tuned and oiled machine. Flawlessly dependable. But newsflash: they're not! So why? If the playbooks are constantly updated, why the struggle? Where's your edge? Where's the growth you promised your investors? Maybe it's hiding in plain sight.

Imagine a detective dusting for fingerprints in your business. What secrets would they find?

Enter the Strategic Bloodhound! This isn't your average management consultant with a 320-page word-salad copy/paste PowerPoint presentation, eager to present their version. The Strategic Bloodhound is a breed apart. No, this bloodhound is skilled in chasing down each hunt with a fine-tuned nose for finding the riches others miss entirely. Playbooks are soaked with biases. The result. Each shines a light but blinds you from seeing the wood for the trees. Reports, research, "we-can-help" messages – it's all overwhelming. But, through the same looking glass, businesses look with optimism and hope to the same places for growth and profitability.

A skilled bloodhound, however, sniffs out the hidden potential buried beyond the spreadsheets and reports.

Here's a real-world example: A private equity firm I worked with was considering an acquisition. The textbook analysis said, "Go for it." But my bloodhound instincts and senses were tingling, so I dug deeper, and wouldn't you know it, a buried treasure trove of missed possibilities emerged!

Strategic partnerships? Check! Distribution channels begging for an upgrade? Absolutely! A direct line to untapped customers just waiting to be unleashed? Bingo! They are all waiting patiently to be found.

Here's the kicker: this "memetic approach" (a fancy way of saying I didn't just analyse; I plunged deep) revealed a TENFOLD increase in revenue. Boom! Invisible riches are suddenly crystal clear.

It was almost like finding the mythical iceberg of ignorance; the real hidden value is unseen.

But I didn't just point and say, "Hey, gold over there!" I shared the treasure map—a detailed, step-by-step plan to unlock this value. Think actionable strategies and precise timelines—the whole "how" and "when" laid out on a silver, or should that be a gold platter?

Imagine you holding that map, the key to dominating your market. That's the power of the strategic bloodhound. We see the potential others don't, the untapped riches, and help you rewrite your own playbook. No alchemy here, folks. Just a relentless focus on uncovering the value hiding in plain sight. And the know-how to make the treasure yours? That's included, too.


For over three decades, I've been on a relentless quest, driven by an insatiable curiosity to uncover the hidden, invisible forces that shape brand success.

Today, I'm the Strategic Bloodhound, dedicated to helping luxury organisations unearth their hidden billions. With a proven track record of unlocking over €3.5 billion in untapped revenue for clients, I specialise in finding the overlooked, missed details that drive transformative change.

I empower brands to shatter their perceived limitations and achieve unprecedented success.

Ready to illuminate your brand's hidden billions? Let's talk.

The Billion-Dollar Blind Spot Luxury Brands Miss (and the Keys to Uncover It)


Bursting the CEO Bubble.