Luxury's Strategic Bloodhound

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My Life-Changing Journey: See, Illuminate, Transform

These words have been my guide for over four decades. Living with Type-1 diabetes taught me a critical life-changing lesson: question conventional wisdom and advice. It brings new, incredibly clear wisdom, allowing me to see every one of life's challenges with new, fresh perspectives. This clarity of thought is a gift and a freedom for which I am incredibly grateful.

Ten years ago, I took control of my path against all the odds. I took my life into my own hands. Today, at 54, that decision has quite literally saved my life and statistically added 20± years to my life expectancy.

This eye-opening journey taught me the transformative power of challenging assumptions and embracing the unknown. It's a lesson I apply every day when helping brands see and unlock their full unseen potential. I just wish I could inspire more organisations to see what I see sooner.

The experience of the incredible contentment I feel when everything lines up just right is a powerful motivation for me to continue.

As Luxury's only Strategic Bloodhound, my passion lies in uncovering the magical hidden gems hiding secretly within all organisations - the transformational billion-dollar opportunities others overlook and miss. But I hear, see and observe. I don't just think outside the box; I shatter its confines and illuminate client brands’ path to extraordinary growth. Often with guarantees. My success is directly tied to yours.

My proprietary, proven methodology, born from my life journey, allows me to quickly see beyond the obvious and illuminate untapped potential. I dive deep into a brand's customer insights and emotions, applying first-principles thinking and helping that brand reveal the simple yet powerful strategies that deliver extraordinary results.

Taking that first step can be difficult, I should know. I've been there myself. But remember, every journey begins with a single question. Your comfort is knowing I'll share what I've learned and help you and your brand quickly unlock your unseen potential—in the strictest confidence.

And I cannot escape my results: I've successfully unlocked billions in unseen client results multiple times. And all because I cannot not see organisations' hidden billions. That's both my curse and your gift.

If you're ready to embark on a journey of transformation? Let's talk.