Luxury's Strategic Bloodhound

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If you don't see it. Do you know if it exists?

That is the question I have been trying to answer for over a decade. How do you surface something that someone else may not yet see but you do? How do you bring that new perspective to a person or brand whose belief is so strong that it denies itself seeing something that is physically there? Even with supporting evidence?

It is a formidable topic to tell someone there is a different something that exists that most need help seeing. But it's fascinating because I have lived through this "I don't believe it" awakening moment. And I can only describe it as I've started to "see" for the first time.

Exploring something new outside the box is uncomfortable. It fills you with doubt, uncertainty, and fear. It intently challenges you or your brand's belief, and you intentionally try to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth. That is hard to embrace. But once experienced, turning back is impossible, and you want to share your new wisdom with as many others as possible.

I liken it to:

"You take the blue pill... the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill... you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

— Morpheus.

Me, I took the metaphorical red pill. And lept head-first to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

My curiosity sought to see if there was a different truth underneath the glossy polished veil of compelling information shared as facts, even at the risk of my reputation, health and respect from those who know me, all in the name of clarification and discovery.

It saved my life.

And that new, scary, unfamiliar world I entered opened my eyes wide. It raised many questions. It culminated in finding the root causes and Why. The information I uncovered heightened my sensitivity to seeing a different, clearer, cleaner truth more rapidly as my expertise deepened.

And surfacing eight years through client engagements, their results and deep research later, I'm 100% secure when I state: I see what others don't. And that is where I am today. I am exploring every available option for sharing the alchemy and mastery I have assembled so every brand can thrive.

"Be a free thinker and don't accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in."

— Aristotle.

My learning: It is much easier not to evaluate what you understand as true today. Since then, there's no need to question it.

But taking that leap of faith and seeing the rigid paradox melt between seeing something and not seeing it is invigorating. It's alchemy. It reawakens all the senses. It brings new clarity to existing, complex, challenging problems. It frees a brand to thrive, not from the norm, but by bringing light to the unseen.

My discovery: Even if it is hard to see or find, it exists. And because it exists, it is measurable. And with training and practice, over time, it becomes automated when you know what you're looking for. Can I teach you to see what I see? I can't answer that, unfortunately. But I can show you what I see. And that unseen power I bring to a brand to thrive is real.

For the brand, there is only one way to find out. Buy why am I so confident? My credibility is on the line. Especially when I take all the risk and guarantee delivery of an absolute value (upside) basis, my price premium is the value I help create. i.e. No win, no fee; therefore, I'm either incredibly right or wrong. But I'll let you decide.

How do I show absolute value and results? By validation. You take the metaphorical red pill, and I help you see a new view between your brand and customers emerge.

For example, would changing just one word on a white, adhesive label on the side of the branded skateboard sneaker box from "Male" to "Unisex" have a profound impact? I was told I was crazy.

The result: Yes. This single change ultimately returned € 1.5 billion in new female revenue. It created a category that did not exist before—all with a white adhesive label.

Well, if that is what it means to be crazy, then I’d rather remain crazy ;-)

If you are lucky enough to receive a diagnostic assessment, it tells you I have found something for your brand to thrive. Therefore, before you dismiss my findings with the easy, "I don't believe it", ask instead, "What is it we're not seeing?".

€ 3.5+ billion. Seeing what others didn't.